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Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance -- Learn about remote viewing, subtle energies, extraterrestrials and more!

Thank You Coast to Coast Listeners for Making Opening Minds the #1 Best Seller on
in a Science and Math Category!

"...A profound synthesis . . . Hein's discussion of physics, quantum consciousness, remote viewing, chaos theory, extraterrestrials, and crop circles is fascinating . . . "
-- NAPRA Review

"A superb book from a man who is in sync with the next generation of understanding natural sciences. This is one of the most fascinating books on the crop circle phenomenon I have read . . . I could not put it down and felt totally refreshed when I had read it . . . Full of through-provoking ideas and concepts from start to finish . . . Truly a superb piece of work."
--Colin Andrews, author of Crop Circles: Signs of Contact

  • What really makes Crop Circles?
  • Why do Crop Circles affect cameras, electronics, and batteries?
  • What are the Mysterious Balls of Light? Why do Crop Circles attract UFOs?
  • Human Contact with Extraterrestrials? Read this in-depth and amazing account
  • More than 80 beautiful illustrations and photos

Crop Circles: Real or Manmade?
Discover What the Media Isn't Telling You!

Now You Can Learn The Truth About Crop Circles, Remote Viewing, and Much More . . .

Opening Minds

Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance.

Get your softcover copy, personally signed by Dr. Hein and limited editions bookmark plus free shipping in the US, only $24.95.
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Softcover available on Amazon and in Kindle format.

Available as an Audio Book on iTunes, read to you by the author!



"A superb book from a man who is in sync with the next generation of understanding natural sciences.
This is one of the most fascinating books on the crop circle phenomenon I have read
. . . I could not put
it down and felt totally refreshed when I had read it . . . Full of through-provoking ideas and concepts from start to finish . . .
Truly a superb piece of work
--Colin Andrews, author of Crop Circles: Signs of Contact
Judith Moore "Opening Minds is the 'Betty Crocker' of crop circle books."
--Judith Moore, author of Crop Circles Revealed
NAPRA Review "...A profound synthesis . . . Hein's discussion of physics, quantum consciousness, remote viewing,
chaos theory, extraterrestrials, and crop circles is fascinating . . . "
-- NAPRA Review (Nov/Dec 2002)
"This book, by taking a completely fresh approach to two unusual mysteries, creates an avenue
for understanding not only crop circles and RV, but ourselves as well. Highly effective and highly recommended."
-- W. Ritchie Benedict, FATE Magazine (April 2004)


"I recommend Opening Minds as by far the most realistic AND enlightening on the subject of the circles I have ever seen."
-- Peter Sorensen, crop circle videographer
"Reading Opening Minds greatly increased the amount of magic per spare inch in my daily life."
-- Mark Winstein, CEO Ecostructure
"An excellent cross-discipline book that brings the reader into a much bigger phenomenon than crop circles themselves.
Dr. Hein explores realities that may help make a better world, by understanding that there are no simplistic answers to any
of life's mysteries. A good read and a must for any student of the strange and wonderful."
-- Ron Russell, NASA artist and lecturer

From the back cover:

New discoveries in physics, combined with a greater awareness of extraordinary phenomena all around us, challenge our traditional beliefs in the mechanistic universe of Sir Isaac Newton.

Research into resonant viewing, crop circles and extraterrestrials shows our world to be vibrant, multidimensional -- and full of mystery!

Now, discover how:
  • Energy and information move freely about the universe.
  • Instantaneous communication is possible across vast distances.
  • Traditional belief systems discourage us from uncovering our true nature.
  • Higher levels of consciousness are available to each of us.
  • We are all innately connected to an infinite flow of information.


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Printed from
© 2003 Dr. Simeon Hein |
Institute for Resonance
1942 Broadway, Suite 314, Boulder, CO 80302
tel: 303.440.7393 | fax: 208.882.1583